

Friday, September 30, 2016

Problem from Quiz 5

A train with the mass M accelerates uniformly from the rest to the speed V when passing through a distance d
What is its kinetic energy
when it passing through a distance
d (d < d)?

Given Data: M = 15,000 kg
V = 0
V = 15 m / s
d = 150 m
d = 75 m
K = ?
K(kinetic energy) = K(kinetic energy initial) + W(work) = W
W = Fx
K = W = Fd = ½MV²
F = ½MV² / d
K = W = Fd = ½MV² d / d
K = ½(15,000 kg)(15 m/s)² (75m) / (150m) = 843750 J

Google Calculator Code:
0.5*(15000 kg)*(15 m/s)^2*(75m) / (150m)

Answer: 840 kJ


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Average Power

7.36. The electric motor of a 2-kg train accelerates the train from rest to 1 m/s in 1 s. Find the average power delivered to the train during the acceleration.


Given Data Useful formulas
W= K-K₀         
pₐ = ½MV²/t
p= ½ (2kg) (1m/s)² /1s =
=1 kg m/s²∙m/s=1N∙m/s=1J/s=1W

7.40. A 1000-kg elevator starts from rest. It moves upward for 4 s with constant acceleration until it reaches its cruising speed of 2 m/s.
(a) What is the average power of the elevator motor during this period?
(b) What is the motor power when the elevator moves at its cruising speed?

Given Data Useful formulas

W= (K+U)-(K₀+ U₀)

p = F V = MgV
W= (K+U)-(K₀+ U₀)= K+U=½MV²+Mgh=½MV²+Mgh=
W= ½MV²+MgVt/2
MgV/2=1000kg∙10m/s²∙2m/s /2=10000W
or pₐ=1000kg ∙ (2 m/s / 4 s + 10 m/s²) ½ ∙ 2 m/s = 10.5kW


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Deadline for Online Quizzes 2,3,4,5, and 6

The announcement for CityTech students: The deadline for online quizzes 2,3,4,5, and 6 is October 6 (Thursday), 4:00 PM.

After the deadline, these quizzes will be closed for records, and correct answers will be displayed.

What is the displacement of the car between t₁ = 1.0 s and t₂ = 2.0 s?

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Problem from Online Quiz 1

The measured length of a cylindrical laser beam is 12.1 meters, its measured diameter is 0.00121 meters, and its measured intensity is 1.21 × 10⁵ W/m² . Which of these measurements is the most precise?

Uncertainty of the measurement result of 12.1 m is 0.05 m so the precision can be shown by the relative error of 0.05m / 12.1m = 0.05/12.1

Uncertainty of the measurement result of 0.00121 m is 0.000005 m so the precision can be shown by the relative error of 0.000005m / 0.00121m = 0.05/12.1

Uncertainty of the measurement result of 1.21 × 10⁵ W/m² is 0.05 × 10⁵ W/m² so the precision can be shown by the relative error of (1.21 × 10⁵ W/m² ) / (0.05 × 10⁵ W/m²) = 0.05/12.1

As relative errors are the same then precision levels are the same.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A rocket, speeding along toward Alpha Centauri, has an acceleration a(t) = At²...

A rocket, speeding along toward Alpha Centauri, has an acceleration a(t) = At². Assume that the rocket began at rest at the Earth (x = 0) at t = 0. Assuming it simply travels in a straight line from Earth to Alpha Centauri (and beyond), what is the ratio of the speed of the rocket when it has covered half the distance to the star to its speed when it has traveled half the time necessary to reach Alpha Centauri?

a(t) = At²
v(0) = 0
x(0) = 0
D = x(T)
D / 2 = x(τ)
v(τ) / v(½T) = ?

a(t) = At²
v(t) = At³
x(t) = At⁴ / 12
D = AT⁴ / 12
T⁴ = 12D / A
t⁴ = 12x / A
τ⁴ = 12(D / 2) / A
τ = 12D / A · (½) = (½)T⁴
τ = √(½) · T
x(τ) = Aτ⁴ / 12 = A(√(½) · T)⁴ / 12 = ½ AT⁴ / 12 = ½D

v(½T) = ⅓A(½T)³ = (½)³ · ⅓AT³
v(τ) = v(⁴√(½) · T) = ⅓A(⁴√(½) · T)³ = (⁴√(½))³ · ⅓AT³

v(τ) / v(½T) = {(⁴√(½))³ · ⅓AT³} / {(½)³ · ⅓AT³} = {(⁴√(½))³ } / {(½)³} = (2 / ⁴2)³ = 8 / ⁴8 = (8)³

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Space station gives physics a boost - Bad Astronomy

Space station gives physics a boost - Bad Astronomy: This is one of the coolest videos I’ve seen in a while: during a routine reboost of the International Space Station to a higher orbit, the astronauts on board show that the station tries to leave them behind! What a fantastic example of Newtons’s First law: an object in motion tends to stay in motion …

Problem: The figure shows the position of a car (black circles) at one-second intervals. What is the acceleration at the time t = 4 s

The figure shows the position of a car (black circles) at one-second intervals.
What is the acceleration at the time t = 4 s?

Solution 1:
x(3s) = 24m
x(4s) = 33m
x(5s) = 40m
v(3.5s){x(4s) - x(3s)} / 1s{3m - 24m} / 1s9m / s
v(4.5s){x(5s) - x(4s)} / 1s{40m - 33m} / 1s7m / s
a(4s){v(4.5s) - v(3.5s)} / 1s{7m / s - 9m / s} / 1s{ - 2m / s} / 1s - 2m / s²

Solution 2:
a(t) ≈ {v(t + ½Δt) - v(t - ½Δt)} / Δt
v(t) ≈ {x(t + ½Δt) - x(t - ½Δt)} / Δt
v(t + ½Δt) ≈ {x(t+Δt) - x(t)} / Δt
v(t - ½Δt) ≈ {x(t) - x(t-Δt )} / Δt
a(t) ≈ ([{x(t+Δt) - x(t)} / Δt] - [{x(t) - x(t-Δt )} / Δt]) / Δt
a(t) ≈ ({x(t+Δt) - x(t)} - {x(t) - x(t-Δt )}) / (Δt)²
a(t) ≈ {x(t+Δt) - 2x(t) + x(t-Δt )} / (Δt)² derived important formula
Δt = 1s
t = 4s
a(4s) ≈ {x(5s) - 2x(4s) + x(3s)} / (1s)²
a(4s) ≈ {40m - 2 ∙ 33m + 24m} / 1s² ≈ {40m - 66m + 24m} / 1s² ≈ - 2m / 1s² ≈ - 2m / s²

Solution 3:
if a = const
x(t+Δt) = x(t) + v(t) ∙ Δt + ½ ∙ a ∙ (Δt)²
x(t-Δt) = x(t) - v(t) ∙ Δt + ½ ∙ a ∙ (Δt)²
x(t+Δt) + x(t-Δt) = [x(t) + v(t) ∙ Δt + ½ ∙ a ∙ (Δt)²] + [x(t) - v(t) ∙ Δt + ½ ∙ a ∙ (Δt)²]
x(t+Δt) + x(t-Δt) = 2x(t) + a ∙ (Δt)²
x(t+Δt) + x(t-Δt) - 2x(t) = a ∙ (Δt)²
x(t+Δt) - 2x(t) + x(t-Δt) = a ∙ (Δt)²
a = {x(t+Δt) - 2x(t) + x(t-Δt)} / (Δt)² derived important formula
Δt = 1s
t = 4s
a = {x(5s) - 2x(4s) + x(3s)} / (1s)²

a = {40m - 2 ∙ 33m + 24m} / 1s² = {40m - 66m + 24m} / 1s² = - 2m / 1s² = - 2m / s²